Published Papers
Vedres, B. & Vásárhelyi, O. Inclusion unlocks the creative potential of gender diversity in teams. Scientific Reports 13, 13757 (2023). [link]
Vásárhelyi, O. & Horvát, E. Á. Who benefits from altmetrics? The effect of team gender composition on the link between online visibility and citation impact (2023). Proceedings 19th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Bloomington, Indiana [link]
Koltai, J., Vásárhelyi, O., Röst, G., & Karsai, M. (2022). Reconstructing social mixing patterns via weighted contact matrices from online and representative surveys. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-12. [link]
Vásárhelyi, O., Zakhlebin, I., Milojević, S., & Horvát, E. Á. (2021). Gender inequities in the online dissemination of scholars’ work. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(39).[link][EurekAlert!, Inside Higher Ed, The Science Advisory Board, Physics World,]
Karsai, M., Koltai, J., Vásárhelyi, O. and Röst, G., 2020. Hungary in mask/maszk in Hungary. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, (2). [link]
Vásárhelyi O.: Computational and relational understanding of gender inequalities in science and technology. Dissertation. Central European University Budapest, Hungary 2020. [link]
Natera, L., Deritei, D., Vancsó A., O. Vásárhelyi: Quantifying life quality as walkability on urban networks: the case of Budapest in Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII, Springer International Publishing, 2020. [link]
B. Vedres & O. Vásárhelyi: Gendered behavior as a disadvantage in open source software development, EPJ Data Science 8 (1), 25, 2019. [link]
Working Papers
Vásárhelyi, O., Brooke, S. Computing Gender. In: T. Yasseri (Ed.), Handbook of Computational Social Science. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (under review) [link]
Vásárhelyi, O., Barnett, J., Milojević, S., & Horvát, E. Á.: Intersectional Inequalities in the Impact of Online Visibility on Citations
Abreu, M., Han, Q., Zejnilovic, L., Vásárhelyi, O., Wang, Y., Mohan, L., Del Papa, B.: Investigating tourist personas with spatial behaviour: a case study using large-scale mobile signalling data