Orsolya Vásárhelyi, Ph.D
Computational Social Scientist
I am an assistant professor at the Center for Collective Learning, and at the Institute of Data Analytics and Information Systems at Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary.
My research lies at the intersection of computational social science, gender studies, and human-machine interaction. Using interdisciplinary approaches from network and data science, I investigate how networks induce inequalities. For example, I study the impact of networks and diversity on scholarly communication, the impact of artificial agents on human collaborations, and how minorities can utilize their personal networks to succeed in technical fields. I love teaching programming and data science courses for students with non-technical backgrounds since I believe these skills can be learned by anyone.
I received my Ph.D. in Network & Data Science from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Prior, to joinnnig CCL I was a postdoctoral fellow at at the NETI Lab, the CEU Democracy Institute, the CIM, at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, and a visiting research fellow at LINK Lab Northwestern University, IL, USA. I have been an ambassador of the Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference in Budapest and have organized two live Budapest-based conferences as well as the first Central-Eastern European WiDS Conference online. I am a proud alumna of the Data Science of Social Good Fellowship and an external researcher at the LINK Lab at Northwestern University.

Latest News
Come join us at CCL as a postdoc! My new group the Computational Inequalities Research Group conducts research on large-scale data to understand how technology impacts inequalities.
The group currently has two main projects: 1) Intersectional inequalities in science and 2) The impact of diversity on collective objectivity. Postdoctoral fellows are highly encouraged to develop their own interests in related topics and continue previous collaborations. More info here!
Podcast about bias in AI
I am excited to share that from 01.10.2023. I am joining to the Center for Collective Learning, and the Institute of Data Analytics and Information Systems at Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary as an assistant professor, and will establish the Computational Inequality Research Group! Stay tuned, I'll be hiring two postdocs very soon!!!

Qubit featured our research
Hungarian Science journal Qubit.hu featured our article with Balázs Vedres about Gender Diversity and Inclusion in the Video Game Industry.

Podcast about Dataset for Equality
Telekom Hungary is running a fantastic campaign to debug the gender image gap in LLM-based AI . Pls, join the campaign by sharing your picture and job title if you identify as a women working in STEM. If you understand Hungarian listen to the podcast at HWSW, where we discuss why gender data gap matters in AI and how this campaign can help.
New paper published in Scientific Reports
Read our new paper with Balazs Vedres, Inclusion unlocks the creative potential of gender diversity in teams
New paper published at ISSI2023 Proceedings
Read our new paper with Agnes Horvat Who benefits from altmetrics? The effect of team gender composition on the link between online visibility and citation impact
Website is Live
WOW, the website is finally on!